One of the greatest frauds in the history of science – dr Hertzberg on climate change


The title is pretty self-explanatory. But the mainstream media try to hide the true story about it and keep on saying about global warming. And there is one man and according to him the so-called climate change is one of the greatest frauds in the history of science. So why do we believe in climate change? What is the human impact on climate? Is it true that weather was different ten or twenty years ago? Do we need to reduce emission of carbon dioxide? To find the answers to these questions we talked to dr Martin Hertzberg who has a Ph D in Physical Chemistry from Stanford. He was also trained as a meteorologist at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. His honors include membership in Phi Beta Kappa, a Meritorious Service Award, a Foreign Visiting Scholar at CNRS in Orleans, France, and a Fulbright Professorship. He has traveled extensively in France, England, China, Israel, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, and Mexico. Listen to what he’s got to say about this highly controversial matter:


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